System houses that have once tried to bring together the needs of mobile users in the companies with the compliance and security requirements of the IT admins can sing a song about it: The originally manageable projects rapidly mutate into highly complex mammoths, and after The customer puts it on ice often enough for several attempts.
With mobile device management alone, it is far from over. Users want to use enterprise applications, data and services from their own mobile devices - admins and management, for legal reasons alone, to stay in control.
The interests of the participants are thus already diverging from the beginning. Therefore, the initial "technological" topic quickly becomes an organizational one that touches on numerous work processes in the company. The question as to which apps and services should be available on the move and whether they must be available on any type of device can become an explosive device.
Is it really worthwhile for system houses to tackle this business? And how do you as a service provider manage this complexity?
These questions were the Mobile Enterprise Day on May 19 in Munich on the ground.
There experienced system house bosses, ISVs and IT service providers described how mobile projects succeed - and where the pitfalls are. They present already realized projects, convey their best practice concepts and give valuable tips on how to solve the complex organizational questions with the customer as a system house partner and tackle process issues.
You benefit twice:
You benefit from the experience of those system houses that have already successfully mastered the step into the mobile business. The event follows the concept: From practice to practice - exchange of experience instead of marketing
Bring your idea for the mobile app you've always wanted to develop. We will show you how this app can be easily and quickly developed based on apiomat Enterprise Backend as a Service. The best proposal will be implemented for you
Dr. In his keynote, Joachim Philippi , CEO of 7P Solutions & Consulting AG , will examine the mobile enterprise market in Germany in terms of opportunities and risks for system houses and illustrate them in various projects. The experienced manager also shows how 7P managed to get off to a successful start in this market.
How must sales and customer acquisition at system houses change? Which commission models and which procedures for cold calling have proven themselves ? Why are app services alone not enough? Michael Reiserer examines these questions with the participants in the workshop "From Tummy Shop to Business Process: Sales and Acquisition 2.0".
Mobile Security: Insider tips with project examples from the automotive industry, shipping companies and robots in aircraft
The topic " Security for Mobile Environments " is the subject of a talk by Michael Quittenden , Managing Director of security specialist IT service provider QKomm GmbH . Based on his extensive project experience, he exemplifies how safety and control of the three IT worlds (physical, mobile and virtual) works by means of a management console in three exciting, already implemented projects: Diagnostics and testing technology in the automotive sector is the first practical example , followed by securing the IT on the ships of a global shipping company by means of cloud. The third project example illustrates the security of the three IT worlds when using robots in airplanes. The solutions are based on products fromBitdefender.
Optimizing business processes using smartphones - the success concepts of a system house
Michael Krusche, Managing Director of the Munich-based system house and ISV Krusche & Company with over 85 employees, describes a project from the real estate industry, how he helps companies to do so via smartphones (iOS, Android , Windows ) and via web platform their individual business processes more efficient and generate timely financial statements.
Why apps are not always the best solution: A system house reports from practice
Using the example of a project with a global training provider , Oliver Lorenz , Managing Director of the systems house Dögel IT-Experts and Michael Reiserer , Managing Director Michael C. Reiserer Consulting Company, describe what matters in mobile enterprise projects and where the pitfalls lie in practice . In the presented reference project, the customer globally conducts around seven million lessons per year globally. Previously, the company had to fill out a paper receipt (!) For each participant, which was then sent, digitized, validated and recorded in the ERP system. The cost of this process was about 50,000 euros per month.
Originally, this process should be replaced by an app and replaced. But this approach proved too complex and too complex to integrate. The Dögel IT-Experts team found a better, cheaper and much more flexible solution. Oliver Lorenz describes how this looks like live on the Mobile Enterprise Day.
Sebastian Welke , Head of Channel Sales at virtual solution AG , gets to the bottom of the tense field of "Smartphones and tablets in the enterprise - between users and security " . He will use practical examples to show how system houses can help their clients master this balancing act, and what new business models will arise for service providers.