Security - the new TecChannel Compact is here!

Practical tips, advice and background information on IT security in the company are provided by the new TecChannel Compact. The issue is available as a printed book or eBook. TecChannel Premium readers receive the color PDF for free, as always.

Detecting new IT threats, protecting the IT system and data from being attacked, or minimizing security risks in the cloud: These are just a few key topics in this TecChannel Compact Edition Security. Among other things, you will learn how to protect yourself against current Top 10 threats and recognize hacker attacks and virus infections. Aspects such as mobile security in transition, digital certificates or the great threat potential of ransomware are also coming up.

In the practical part you will find tips on how to protect yourself against hackers and what to do after a malware attack. In addition, we have put together the most important free security tools for Windows PCs for you. In addition, in the latest edition of the Compact, we provide information on the largest cyber attacks on companies, security risks in the cloud, and Dropbox deployment in the company. Advice on how to reliably secure the Internet of Thinks ( IoT ) and a checklist for your corporate security complete the security compendium.

These topics can be found in the Compact issue "Security"

Be prepared for new threats

Secure online banking transactions

Certificates, PGP and Mobile Security


Reliably protect Windows from attacks

Security tools in the practice check

Emergency USB stick made by yourself

Security in the enterprise

Recognize risks, seal leaks

Security concepts for your business

Use critical services properly

eBook download and book
Book and eBook are available directly from the TecChannel shop . You can order the printed edition for 17.90 Euro plus 2.50 Euro shipping costs. The eBook for direct download costs only 14.99 euros.

The readers of TecChannel-Premium can download the TecChannel-Compact here for free . Please log in to the Premium section first.

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